ACM Multimedia Asia Conference (MM Asia)

Steering Committee Homepage



Goals & Missions

ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia (MM Asia) is a newly established international conference to showcase the scientific achievements and industrial innovations in the multimedia field. MM Asia is organized by SIGMM China Chapter and sponsored by SIGMM. Its mission is to illuminate the state of the art in multimedia computing by bringing together researchers and practitioners in this field. It is essential to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.

Conference Date

The targeted submission deadline would be middle of July (in coordination with ACM Multimedia and ACM ICMR), and opening date would be December or January.

Conference Location

As China has the largest multimedia community in Asia, we propose to rotate the locations in a 3-year window including Asian countries and Australia.

Paper Review

MM Asia conference will maintain the consistent review criteria (double-blinded review similar as ACM MM), consistent acceptance rate (usually around 30%), as well as international organizing and technical program committees.

Conference Finance

SIGMM will officially sponsor the MM Asia Conference. SIGMM China Chapter will coordinate the conference organizations.

Conference Review

SIGMM China Chapter will prepare annual reports of the MM Asia conferences and submit to SIGMM Steering Committee for review. MM Asia is expected to maintain excellent paper quality, professional reputation and financial status. A major review and decision on whether to continue the sponsorship will be made after the 3rd year.

Organzing Conference Guideline

Please check out this link for the guideline of organizing ACM Multimedia Asia Conference. See this link for the guideline of organizing Multi-city PhD School.

Service Award

Outstanding Service Award: ACM Multimedia Asia awards one of primary organizers (lead General Chair / Program Chair) each year, who substantially contributed to last year's conference organization. See the award page for the winners.

Steering Committee

The steering committee will consist of experts in Asia and a few active and experienced researchers from SIGMM and Europe/America. The Steering Committee members will be re-elected with respect to the change of the corresponding positions or replaced by the selected general chairs of conferences in a window of around three years.

Tao Mei *

ACM MM Asia Steering Committee Chair, China

Changsheng Xu *

SIGMM China Chapter Chair
PCM SC Vice Chair, MMSJ EiC

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Alberto Del Bimbo


University of Florence, Italy

Miriam Redi

SIGMM Conference Director

Wikimedia Foundation

Abdulmotaleb El Saddik


University of Ottawa, Canada

Jiebo Luo


University of Rochester, US

Xiao-Ping Zhang

Canada representative

Ryerson University, Canada

Yong Rui

CN representative

Lenovo Research, China

Rita Cucchiara

EU representative

Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

Klara Nahrstedt

US representative

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA

Tat-Seng Chua

SG representative

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Lexing Xie

AU representative

Australian National University, Australia

Hyeran Byun

KR representative

Yonsei University, Korea

Kiyoharu Aizawa

JP representative

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Wen-Huang Cheng

TW representative

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Chang-Wen Chen

HK representative

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

* Tao Mei and Changsheng Xu act as the Steering Committee Co-Chairs.

Former SC Members

Alan Smeaton

Former SIGMM Chair

Dublin City University, Ireland

Chong-Wah Ngo

Former HK representative

Singapore Management University, SG

Gerald Friedland

Former SIGMM Conference Director

UC Berkeley/Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA

Thomas Plagemann

Former MMSJ EiC

University of Oslo, Norway

Wenwu Zhu

Former TMM EiC

Tsinghua University, China

Ling Guan

Former Canada representative

Ryerson University, Canada

Non-voting Members

Qianru Sun

Finance Chair

Singapore Management University, SG

Wei Zhang

Secretary, China

Last updated in May 2023.